We deliver quick and affordable leaf removal services to all homeowners. You don’t need to handle the task yourself, just hand it over to us, and we will take care of it. We will deliver a tidy yard and enhance the curb appeal of your home.
Why should you get leaves removed?
A yard covered in leaves poses a threat to grass as well as other plants. Leaves can keep grass and other plants from getting sunlight, which is needed to ensure their optimal growth. Leaves can suffocate grass and plants leaving you with a dull and barren lawn.
Leaves and other debris offer a great environment for rodents and pests to live. These pests can cause damage to your home and lawn.
Green Thumb Lawn Service is here to deliver expert leaf removal services.
When should you contact an expert leaf removal service?
Fall and early winter are the most popular times for leaf removal, however, spring is an important time to clean up leftover leaves to give your lawn a fresh start.